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No Gi Jiu Jitsu, Submission Grappling, Wrestling

Welcome to 10th Planet Brisbane. We are dedicated to bringing you the highest quality experience available. Whether you want to train No Gi full time or cross train to develop a deeper No GI game for sport Jiu Jitsu or MMA, we have what you want and need. Our training program is suitable for absolute beginners through to the most advanced students, we uphold a culture that sees both our advanced students and newer students achieve their goals and enjoy them selves fully while training with us.

We look forward to having you join us, please feel free to contact us through the site or by phone anytime.

Detailed instructions and coaching delivered in every class with opportunities to ask questions and seek advice.


We have classes to suit all levels of experience. So whether you are seeking to take your No-Gi Jiu Jitsu to the next level, or looking for something new that will get you fit and give you valuable skills for life, join us and begin to become the best version of yourself that you can be. Contact us to find out more and begin your FREE TRIAL today!

Please enter your details below if you would like more information about the free trial including what to wear and what to bring etc.




